Beauty Benefits of Honey

Friday, December 19, 2014

A few years ago I had a kitchen accident and suffered a few facial burns as a result and I was introduced to honey as a beauty tool for fading the scars  by my older brother, who told me that he had read that honey fades scars, and that a friend of his had used it after suffering some pretty bad burns. I decided to trust my brother, and used both honey and vitamin e oil to fade the scars, and I am very happy to report that all the scars faded. Given the benefits of honey it is little wonder that my brother loves it so much, he is so committed to honey, that our house would never be out of honey. 

To this day I still use honey, and thought I would share the beauty benefits of honey with you dolls today.

  1. Prevents Acne: Honey's anti-bacterial properties make it an excellent cleanser for acne. Apply some raw honey to the affected area and rinse off after 10-15 minutes (if you prefer to leave it on longer, you can do so). 
  2. Fades scars: Honey has a bleaching effect, thus, regular use of honey on the affected area can dramatically fade old or new scars. Side note: there are some scars, where the affected area becomes raised above the rest of one's skin when the scar has healed, these scars can become painful and you may have to visit a dermatologist for treatment to ease the pain etc.
  3. Moisturizes skin: Honey not only attracts water but it helps absorb and retain it on one's hair and skin.Use raw honey by itself or with other ingredients such as milk, or lemon, to create a DIY facial mask.
  4. Hair Conditioner: Honey's moisturizing and softening properties (mentioned in number 3 above) makes it a superb hair conditioner that will give shine to dull hair. Simply mix 1 tbsp raw honey with 2 tbsp extra virgin oil, and use yours hands to disperse the mixture through your hair. Leave in your hair for 20-30 minutes (you may cover your hair with a steam cap) and then rinse the honey/extra virgin oil mixture off. Side note: Try to use a sulphate free shampoo, since sulphate strips one's hair of moisture/ dries one's hair. 
  5. Deep Cleans Pores: Whilst the best way to get rid of clogged pores is to get facials regularly, to follow a good daily skin care regimen, and invest in good quality skin skin care products (please try to avoid products with mineral oil if you can, as mineral oil does can sit on the skin and assist in creating clogged pores), honey can be a powerful tool in your arsenal. Honey is known to reduce excess oil on the skin and tighten the skin pores, plus, it will help keep your skin hydrated (as mentioned in point 3 above). 
I hope that you enjoyed today's post on honey, which is truly an amazing gift from nature. If there are any posts you want to see relating to skincare, please  feel free to leave your questions in the comments below, and I will do a blog post on it for you. 

Happy Holidays (5 more days to Christmas *YaY*).


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