Ars Longa, vita brevis

Friday, December 05, 2014

When I was seventeen years old I was introduced to a beautiful book of poetry written by Kahlil Gibran, named The Prophet. Reading has been a part of my life since childhood, and perhaps because I did not experience the internet until I was a teenager, my love for books was able to flourish as much as it has. One of my favourite quotes is "Ars longa, vita brevis" translated from Latin into English it means, simply, "Art is long, life is short". I interpret it as a statement that life is finite and short, but art lives on; long after we have ceased to be, art will still be there, touching those who come after us, caressing their souls, uplifting and inspiring them. To me, there is the art that you see , and then the art that you read, and both are powerful. "The Prophet", in which Gibran writes "When love beckons to you follow him, Though his ways are hard and steep"  is  one such work of art that will live on, and continue to inspire generations, and so, it comes as no surprise that a few days ago I found myself re-reading it. Whilst the words were the same, the way that they washed over me, and impacted me were markedly different, for as much as I am the same, I am also different from who I was at the age of seventeen: I'm all grown up now. Time marks us. It gives us a wisdom born of experience, and a greater understanding and appreciation of what love is, as well as who we are, and who we are meant to be. If we are lucky, the passage of time will only make us better. If we are not so lucky- the passage of time will diminish us: may we always be lucky.

In my re-reading of The Prophet, and my mulling over of his words on love it was an especially pleasant diversion to have the pleasure of attending A&A's wedding over the weekend. The ceremony was beautiful, and moving. As much as I was sorely tempted to wear this jumpsuit (click on the link for deets) since the day of the wedding held the promise of being a sun filled day- after two rain filled weeks- I decided to wear a flowy yellow dress.

Dress: French Connection, Shoes: Anne Michelle, Clutch: Old.

As always, thanks for stopping by.


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