Holiday Gift Wrap Ideas

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Hi Lovelies, 

Does anyone feel as if Christmas has snuck up on them? Christmas is right around the corner, and while some have long completed their Christmas shopping, and already have their gifts nicely wrapped, there are those of us, who are still finalising our shopping. I for one, still have a few things to get for Christmas (chocolates being one of them, hehe), and I haven't even begun to wrap my Christmas presents yet. Since no one seems to think I am domesticated (really, it is starting to pain me when my friends express doubt in my abilities to learn this art) I have been looking up gift wrapping ideas in order to have beautifully wrapped presents (my rationale is pretty much that since I'm not cooking for Christmas I might as well excel in one area, right!).

Today, I share with you a few of the photos I found online that are presently serving as my holiday gift wrapping inspiration. 

Happy Holidays Loves!


Beauty Benefits of Honey

Friday, December 19, 2014

A few years ago I had a kitchen accident and suffered a few facial burns as a result and I was introduced to honey as a beauty tool for fading the scars  by my older brother, who told me that he had read that honey fades scars, and that a friend of his had used it after suffering some pretty bad burns. I decided to trust my brother, and used both honey and vitamin e oil to fade the scars, and I am very happy to report that all the scars faded. Given the benefits of honey it is little wonder that my brother loves it so much, he is so committed to honey, that our house would never be out of honey. 

To this day I still use honey, and thought I would share the beauty benefits of honey with you dolls today.

  1. Prevents Acne: Honey's anti-bacterial properties make it an excellent cleanser for acne. Apply some raw honey to the affected area and rinse off after 10-15 minutes (if you prefer to leave it on longer, you can do so). 
  2. Fades scars: Honey has a bleaching effect, thus, regular use of honey on the affected area can dramatically fade old or new scars. Side note: there are some scars, where the affected area becomes raised above the rest of one's skin when the scar has healed, these scars can become painful and you may have to visit a dermatologist for treatment to ease the pain etc.
  3. Moisturizes skin: Honey not only attracts water but it helps absorb and retain it on one's hair and skin.Use raw honey by itself or with other ingredients such as milk, or lemon, to create a DIY facial mask.
  4. Hair Conditioner: Honey's moisturizing and softening properties (mentioned in number 3 above) makes it a superb hair conditioner that will give shine to dull hair. Simply mix 1 tbsp raw honey with 2 tbsp extra virgin oil, and use yours hands to disperse the mixture through your hair. Leave in your hair for 20-30 minutes (you may cover your hair with a steam cap) and then rinse the honey/extra virgin oil mixture off. Side note: Try to use a sulphate free shampoo, since sulphate strips one's hair of moisture/ dries one's hair. 
  5. Deep Cleans Pores: Whilst the best way to get rid of clogged pores is to get facials regularly, to follow a good daily skin care regimen, and invest in good quality skin skin care products (please try to avoid products with mineral oil if you can, as mineral oil does can sit on the skin and assist in creating clogged pores), honey can be a powerful tool in your arsenal. Honey is known to reduce excess oil on the skin and tighten the skin pores, plus, it will help keep your skin hydrated (as mentioned in point 3 above). 
I hope that you enjoyed today's post on honey, which is truly an amazing gift from nature. If there are any posts you want to see relating to skincare, please  feel free to leave your questions in the comments below, and I will do a blog post on it for you. 

Happy Holidays (5 more days to Christmas *YaY*).


Perfect Your Look for the Holidays

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Perfect Your Look for the Holidays
Although work has been pretty hectic this past week and a half, and I haven't been so well, yesterday, it finally dawned on me that the Christmas holidays are here, and with it, come the invitations to attend numerous parties, giving us all an excuse to glam up. Since a big part of our holiday high-glam look has to do with our makeup, I decided to put together this collage, which shows you the different shades you can use on your eye. As always Dolls, the key is not just to apply the eye shadow, but to blend it out carefully using the right brush, or, your fingers (which works pretty well for some people). This collage is only intended to serve as a guide/ inspiration board, feel free to switch  the colours up, in keeping with the palettes you may already have. 
As always, thanks for visiting my blog. Love you all lots. 

Lively Pregnancy Style

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

I have long admired the self-styled Blake Lively's fashion aesthetic which comes across as effortless and true to who she is, but never has my admiration been as high as it has become during her pregnancy. Since announcing her pregnancy in October, she has been consistently slaying with her ensembles. Today I round up my favourite pregnancy looks from her:

Gucci Gown 

Michael Kors empire-line white dress from Spring 2015 collection

Textured black pencil dress, Black & White sweater & Christian Louboutin thigh high boots
Alicia Adams Cape, J Brand legging, CĂ©line trapeze handbag

Even though she is dressing her baby bump, I definitely believe that us women who aren't presently incubating a bun in the oven can incorporate these looks into our wardrobes. I for one will be adding bubblegum pink platform stilettos to my wardrobe in the new year .


Benefits of Drinking Lemon

Monday, December 08, 2014

Two weeks ago I started drinking lemon. I first learnt of the benefits of drinking lemon a few years ago in a newspaper article which claimed that drinking a glass of warm lemon water each morning for seven days would rid the body of toxins, and promote glowing skin. I tried it once and because lemon juice squeezed into hot water tasted terrible I never drank it again because I was not as dedicated to what I call the cause then, as I am now. However, after recently learning about the other health benefits associated with drinking lemon, I decided to give it a "go" again but with a notable twist this time. Instead of drinking lemon and water, I decided to make a lemon tea. Here's what my tea looked like :

I used:

The juice of half of a lemon
Half of a tea cup of boiling hot water
one teaspoon of pure honey
a dash of aromatic bitters

Benefits of Drinking Lemon

1. Supports the immune system: The juice of half a lemon in a glass of water is rich in vitamin C, which helps boosts the immune system and assists the body in fighting colds and flu. 

2 Aids digestion: Lemon juice  helps cleanse the bowel by flushing out waste more efficiently and stimulates the release of gastric juices, which aid digestion.

3 Repairs skin: The antioxidant properties of lemon help combat free radical damage, which contributes to ageing your skin, because lemons are loaded with Vitamin C which creates collagen synthesis it helps to keep skin tight and fight wrinkles.

4 Balances pH levels: Lemons are one of the most alkalising foods for the body and a good pH level is essential as too much acidity in the body can be inflammatory.

6  Cleanses the urinary tract: Lemon juice is a diuretic, meaning it encourages the production of urine. As a result, toxins are released at a faster rate, helping to purify the system and keep it healthy. Lemon juice can also change the pH level of the urinary tract which discourages the proliferation of bad bacteria.

7  Freshens breath: The antiseptic qualities in lemon juice help kill off bad bacteria in the mouth by acting as a disinfectant.

9 Promotes healing: Ascorbic acid, vitamin C, promotes wound healing in the body and is an important nutrient in maintaining healthy bones, tissue and cartilage. It also calms inflammation in the body.

10 Detoxifies the liver:
Lemon water acts as a liver cleanser by assisting in detoxification. It purifies and stimulates the liver by encouraging the production of bile, an acid required for digestion. Lemon water can also help control excess bile flow, decrease the amount of phlegm produced by the body and assist in dissolving gallstones.

Many people say that the best time to drink lemon in hot water is when you wake up, however, since this isn't convenient for me, I have been drinking my tea in the evening when I come home from the office.I've read of some people experiencing "breakouts" on their faces when they just started drinking lemon. This is because of the detoxifying effects of the lemon  (as you detox, the impurities your body is getting rid of can release itself as breakouts on your skin), whilst I have not experienced this, should this happen to you, please don't panic, look at the breakouts as your body getting rid of all the bad stuff- which needs to GO. Just keep drinking your lemon, and drink a lot of water (to further flush out your body), and in a few days it will pass, and then you can enjoy all the other benefits of drinking lemon.

I love sharing with you, thanks for stopping by.


Disclaimer: Views expressed above are my own and have been derived from testimonials and online research, they have not necessarily been evaluated or put forward by clinical evidence or the like. 

Ars Longa, vita brevis

Friday, December 05, 2014

When I was seventeen years old I was introduced to a beautiful book of poetry written by Kahlil Gibran, named The Prophet. Reading has been a part of my life since childhood, and perhaps because I did not experience the internet until I was a teenager, my love for books was able to flourish as much as it has. One of my favourite quotes is "Ars longa, vita brevis" translated from Latin into English it means, simply, "Art is long, life is short". I interpret it as a statement that life is finite and short, but art lives on; long after we have ceased to be, art will still be there, touching those who come after us, caressing their souls, uplifting and inspiring them. To me, there is the art that you see , and then the art that you read, and both are powerful. "The Prophet", in which Gibran writes "When love beckons to you follow him, Though his ways are hard and steep"  is  one such work of art that will live on, and continue to inspire generations, and so, it comes as no surprise that a few days ago I found myself re-reading it. Whilst the words were the same, the way that they washed over me, and impacted me were markedly different, for as much as I am the same, I am also different from who I was at the age of seventeen: I'm all grown up now. Time marks us. It gives us a wisdom born of experience, and a greater understanding and appreciation of what love is, as well as who we are, and who we are meant to be. If we are lucky, the passage of time will only make us better. If we are not so lucky- the passage of time will diminish us: may we always be lucky.

In my re-reading of The Prophet, and my mulling over of his words on love it was an especially pleasant diversion to have the pleasure of attending A&A's wedding over the weekend. The ceremony was beautiful, and moving. As much as I was sorely tempted to wear this jumpsuit (click on the link for deets) since the day of the wedding held the promise of being a sun filled day- after two rain filled weeks- I decided to wear a flowy yellow dress.

Dress: French Connection, Shoes: Anne Michelle, Clutch: Old.

As always, thanks for stopping by.


Beauty Benefits of Coconut Oil

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

My sister-in-law and I are huge proponents of coconut oil; since we started using it in our beauty regimen our hair has grown and become shinier, acne scars on our faces have faded, and our skin has never been softer. Given these benefits that we have seen from coconut oil (which by the way, we also consume as she puts in her homemade granola- truly yummy stuff) she recently suggested that I do a post on the mighty coconut. So, after taking a hiatus from the blog as a result of having pressing deadlines to meet, I'm back today with a post on the beauty benefits of coconut oil.

 Beauty Uses
  1. Makeup Remover. Apply it directly to your face as an oil cleanser which you will then wipe off using a cotton pad,or you put it on a cotton pad which you then use to wipe your face to remove makeup (you can also use it to remove eye-makeup such as mascara);
  2.  Oil Pulling. Gargling or swishing around a spoonful of coconut oil  in your mouth for 20 minutes a day (preferably at the beginning of the day, before you brush your teeth) may help to detoxify your body, cure headaches, whiten teeth, give you healthier gums and more, because of  coconut oil's antifungal and antibacterial properties;
  3. Cuticle Care. Soothe your chapped cuticles by applying coconut oil to your fingers twice a day;
  4. Lip Balm. For an all natural and delicious tasting lip balm, spread coconut oil over your lips before bedtime for hydration or put some in a container and use it throughout the day, you'll get softer lips without the ill-effects associated with a mineral oil based lip balm;
  5. Eye Cream. Use a dab of coconut oil on the area around your eyes to prevent wrinkles and under-eye bags ( note: I use a small mixture of coconut oil and vitamin A oil and vitamin E oil under my eyes); 
  6.  Night Cream. Take advantage of the moisturizing benefits of coconut oil by applying it  to your face at night, the antioxidants work to smooth fine lines and wrinkles while you sleep (you can also layer it with your other facial night cream if you are so inclined);
  7. Body Lotion. Apply coconut oil as a boy lotion to moisturize your skin, or, if you're a DIY mixologist, use coconut oil as a base to make your own body moisturizer;
  8. Treating Acne. Apply coconut oil to blemishes, and leave it on for about 15 minutes. Then wash it off with warm water and let your skin air dry (don't apply any other products). It is said that the anti-bacterial components in the oil will work to combat acne;
  9. Relieving Sunburns. Soothe sunburn skin by applying a dab of coconut oil; 
  10. Body Scrub. Use coconut oil to make your own moisturizing body scrub, simply mix half a cup of coconut oil with a handful of coarse salt, or sugar (whichever one you prefer) to create an exfoliator;
  11. Deep Conditioner. You can use hot coconut oil as a preshampoo treatment to soothe dry hair before you shampoo and condition. Leave in for at least an hour for an allover moisturizing treatment.
  12. Leave-in Conditioner. Hydrate dry hair by using coconut oil as a leave-in conditioner. Apply a small amount to wet strands to seal in moisture.


Disclaimer: Views expressed above are my own and have been derived from personal experience and  testimonials, they have not been evaluated or put forward by clinical evidence or the like.