How is Your Heart? Open

Friday, November 14, 2014

Good morning and Happy Friday.

Yesterday I found myself thinking about love, and the transformative power it has in our lives. Have you ever noticed how amazing and "high" we feel when we are in love- deeply in love-with someone. We spend almost every hour thinking about them, we count down the moments until we can be in their presence again, and most of all our soul sings because of them. The love between two people is amazing, isn't it? We live for love, and at times, we feel we will die without it (which incidentally is perhaps why break ups are hard- I guess they're called break ups because they leave us broken).

Today though, I am asking you one question: how is your heart: Is it open to love?

If no, then, why not?  You don't have to answer to me, but you owe it to yourself to look inward, and figure out why, so that you can begin the process involved in changing this.

The love between two people; romantic love, eros love, that "you are everything I never knew I always wanted" Jerry Maguire kinda love- is Great, but it is only one type of love. There are many other types of love for us to be open to and allow into our lives; this is love in its awesome and wholesome entirety- this is the love that is truly transformative.  

This is the love that I want to be open to.

Love for God. Love for myself. Love for my neighbour. Love for my enemy. Love for you. Love for every person I come into contact with, not because I know them, not because I want to know them, not because they are beautiful, or successful, or super smart (and all the other qualities or attributes we believe people should possess in order to be 'deserving' of our love)- but love for them simply because they are my fellow human beings.

Healing flows from a heart that's open to love.
Forgiveness flows from a heart that's open to love.
And an abundance of happiness and contentment flows into a heart that has been opened to love.

Think About It. For Just One Hot Minute.

I love you.

Even though I do not know you, I love you. How can that be? You haven't done anything to earn my love or make you feel deserving of it. That's easy. You don't have to earn my love, I love you because I love you. You are deserving of every kind of love simply because YOU ARE.

This is my daily inspiration for today. In closing, I leave you with my love, and the words of the poet Rumi, who wrote:

It is love that brings happiness to people
It is love that gives joy to happiness
My mother didn't give birth to me, that love did
A hundred blessings and praises to that love

Have an awesome day, and thanks for stopping by.


P.S. If you enjoyed today's daily inspiration, please share it over Facebook, twitter or google so that someone else can be inspired (the sharing buttons are in black and white below this post). Thanks bunches *hugs*

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