Two Things

Thursday, June 11, 2015

My Vanity

Hi Everyone,

I'm sorry for my absence, I know that I've been away from the blog for a hot minute. Work has been super hectic these days, and to compound matters, I have been under the weather with the flu for about a week, believe me when I say the weekend can't come fast enough for me. How's everything with you guys? I hope that you are thriving. Whilst I do not wear ten pounds of makeup everyday, I am a huge fan of make up, and since the MAC store here in St. Lucia recently closed its doors (the closure hit me pretty hard) I have been pondering about where I shall now buy my make-up, I am guessing it will have to be online. So for today's post I am basically sharing a photo of come of my favourite pieces, as I mourn the closure of the Mac Store.

In other news, a few weeks ago, I travelled to the island of Trinidad (where I am originally from) and paid a visit to the Lopinot Complex, which used to be a cocoa plantation in the olden days.

Pictured in front of "The Great House" 

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