Chocolate Lip Scrub

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Many of us are familiar with the benefits of exfoliation of the face and body- but are we familiar with the benefits of lip exfoliation?

 Just as we scrub the dead layers off our skin to maintain smooth and young-looking skin we also need to scrub or exfoliate our lips in order to make them smooth. Additionally, exfoliation of the lips has the added benefit of preventing cracked and dry lips.

Whilst I'm sure there are many lip scrubs being sold on the beauty market, since I've turned into a beauty product DIYer in a bid to get away from the harmful chemicals that are contained in a lot of beauty products, instead of recommending brands for you to buy,  I'm instead sharing a DIY recipe that I found  on how to make chocolate lip scrub. See recipe below.

Chocolate Lip Scrub

YIELDS: 2 ounces

1 tablespoon coconut oil
12 teaspoon raw honey
12 teaspoon raw cocoa powder
14 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons fine granulated sugar
1 tablespoon grated chocolate

What you will need: measuring spoons, shallow mixing bowl, glass measuring cup, grater, fork, 2-ounce jar with lid
  1. To Make: Create a mini double boiler by pouring boiling water in the bottom of a shallow bowl. Put the coconut oil into a glass measuring cup. Place the measuring cup into the bowl of hot water to melt and stir it a little to help it along. Once the oil is melted, remove the measuring cup from the hot water and wipe dry. Add the honey, cocoa powder, and vanilla and stir the ingredients together with a fork. Add the sugar and mix well. Grate the chocolate and stir it in.
  2. To Store: To preserve the freshness of this natural scrub, do not get water into the jar. Label and store this scrub in a sealed jar in a cool dark place, out of direct sunlight, for up to a year.
  3. To Use: Apply to your lips in small, circular motions. Massage with a light touch and rinse well. Use 1–2 times per week. Note: Do not use on severely chapped lips, split lips, or open wounds.

 Enjoy and remember beauty is more than just the outward.


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